Satellite Imagery for Emergency Preparedness

Leverage near-daily satellite data to better prepare, respond, and recover from emergencies and natural disasters.


About this download

As communities adapt to a heightened risk of more frequent and severe natural disasters around the world, emergency management professionals are finding increased value in high-frequency data.

With the largest constellation of commercial Earth observation satellites in orbit, Planet delivers timely, accurate, and detailed information to help emergency management professionals make smarter and faster decisions.

Download the complementary Satellite Imagery for Emergency Preparedness e-book to learn about how Planet data can help:

  • Map assets and identify vulnerable or affected neighborhoods
  • Assess infrastructure and damage in near real time
  • Minimize siloed data collection and reduce costs of in-field monitoring
  • Inform resource allocation and inter-agency relief efforts, track recovery operations, and more

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Date/Time & Event
12th June 2022 - 12:00 EST
Event item name goes here
12th June 2022 - 12:00 EST
Event item name goes here
12th June 2022 - 12:00 EST
Event item name goes here
12th June 2022 - 12:00 EST
Event item name goes here

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