Planet Webinar Series

Gov Insights

September - November 2024

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Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) têm sido adotados no Brasil como uma abordagem pioneira para garantir sustentabilidade econômica e ambiental na produção agropecuária.

Nesse contexto, a utilização de séries de imagens de satélite de alta frequência temporal e alto detalhamento espacial, em conjunto com abordagens robustas de inteligência artificial, se destacam como uma das mais eficientes maneiras de analisar sistemas ILP, auxiliando produtores rurais e organizações do setor em importantes tomadas de decisão.

Nesse contexto, a utilização de séries de imagens de satélite de alta frequência temporal e alto detalhamento espacial, em conjunto com abordagens robustas de inteligência artificial, se destacam como uma das mais eficientes maneiras de analisar sistemas ILP, auxiliando produtores rurais e organizações do setor em importantes tomadas de decisão.

Planet Webinar Series: Gov Insights

Governments make the most difficult yet most impactful decisions every day.
It is crucial that these decisions are based on accurate, timely,
and accessible data that drive actions. With Planet data, government agencies
can enhance monitoring, planning, and management capabilities across diverse sectors.

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Whats this?

Join the newest Planet Webinar Series designed for Asia-Pacific government decision-makers, where we explore how satellite data is transforming governance and public service. Discover practical applications and success stories, and unlock the full potential of satellite data in these crucial areas:

  • Episode 1: Disaster preparedness, response, and recovery
  • Episode 2: Driving food security and environmental protection
  • Episode 3: Sustainable carbon and coastal management

Don’t miss the chance to hear from satellite data experts and gain actionable strategies for leveraging satellite data for your most critical missions and activities. Register now for the live discussions and be part of the future of data-driven governance in Asia and the Pacific.

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Aliny A. dos Reis
PhD in Forest Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher

Date/Time & Event
Planet Webinar Series: Gov Insights Episode 1
Saving Lives, Protecting Communities: The Power of Satellite Data for Disaster Management

September 24, 2024 | Tuesday

Register to join the webinar and learn from industry experts.


Planet Webinar Series: Gov Insights Episode 2 
Cultivating a Regenerative Future: Satellite Data for Food Security & Environmental Protection in Asia-Pacific

October 16, 2024 | Wednesday

Register to join the webinar and learn from industry experts.


Planet Webinar Series: Gov Insights Episode 3
Building a Resilient Future: How Satellite Insights are Transforming Carbon & Coastal Strategies in Asia-Pacific

November 13, 2024 | Wednesday

Interested in joining? Sign up today to receive event updates.


12th June 2022 - 12:00 EST
Event item name goes here

Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária

Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária

Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária

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Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária têm sido sido adotados no Brasil como

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